Saturday, September 26th, 2015  |  3:00 AM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
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Can America be Great Again?

Written By: Michael Bresciani  |  Posted: Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015


When does wishful thinking become dangerous and when does naiveté pose a serious threat to our future. Is it a deep complicated issue to be hashed out in endless debate and heated discourse?  Beware - the answer, so plain and right in our face, may be the stumbling block that brings us down with a whimper rather than the war cry of the mighty.

If we blithely refuse to dance to the piper will we bravely go on to ignore the trumpet? Here's the answer in all its simplicity - it cannot be done.

We have a clear choice. We are called to the last dance, but we will be dragged to the last trump.

"We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented." (Mt 11: 17)

"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first." (1Th 4: 16)


Both Shepard Smith's rant and Donald Trump's promise are cut from the same cloth

Major Fox reporter Shepard Smith declared that Christians are "haters" and Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis is a bigot. After, stepping back to take a breath we can only stand in awe. We must borrow an oft used phrase from the Donald and with only a slight modification we can see what is clearly the best example of 'spiritual stupidity' in the last decade.

Standing by God's word and six thousand years of history does not make anyone a bigot. It does however make scriptural fools of us all if we think standing for a moral America is any less than calling for a mighty America.

Shep would make America gay, Donald would make America great again, but the Christians alone are calling for America to get right again.

With or without faith in God, simple deductive reasoning and a smidgeon of common wisdom will tell you who God thinks is on track and who is not.

One of the most obvious and recurring themes and teachings of the Bible is the warning that a nation's strength does not lie in its military might, riches or alliances with powerful neighbors - the whole matter of strength lies in our relationship to God.


If redefining marriage is wrong - isn't it time to correct our definition of Success?

We know that climbing the ladder of success is often a direct slide into hell according to the Bible; unfortunately only a combination of actually reaching the top and a prescribed amount of time can prove that, and by then, it is too late - nothing can be recovered. 

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mr 8: 36)

People who are not waiting to learn this valuable lesson the hard way were recently exposed to a Fox news commentator who with starry eyed exuberance declared that Trump's name is emblazoned in gold across countless buildings and that was proof that he does not need to get into self-promotion - he has already succeeded.

Those who are '...respecters of persons" (Acts 10: 34) have a pet list of "big boys" whose persons and opinions count more than others. Among them, are found the highly successful in business, finances, politics et al.

In God's view of man, it is the least of men that often count the most, this is the very principle that Abe Lincoln had in mind when said we are a government "of the people by the people and for the people."

All of this has been said not just to lead into the next point, but to firmly establish that this minister of the gospel, prophet, preacher and common man - is no respecter of persons. Regardless of how many or how acclaimed the people are, if the view held is diametrically opposite of God's clearly known will - I will stand with God; names in gold letters notwithstanding.


Most all conservative candidates have come to the right war - but some showed up at the wrong battle

In order to ascertain which are the right battles we have to go way back in the revealed will and counsel of God. Don't make the mistake of thinking that Old Testament truths are not relevant. We may be under grace in these days, but OT laws and statutes are said to be the "schoolmarm" (Ro 7: 7) to show us what sinfulness is exactly.

We will not refer to heretical "replacement theology' to make a point, because while times change, God does not. We may no longer be under OT law, but grace and mercy actually require even more - much more.

Seeing how God dealt with men in the old times reveals his nature and immutable character. Modern times and trends have no effect, whatsoever, on these matters, to wit:

"For I am the LORD, I change not…" (Mal 3: 6)

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." (Heb 13: 8)


God calls us to obedience not greatness - He supplies the greatness!

The entirety of the 28th chapter of the book of Deuteronomy is a picture of what God will do if we obey his laws and statutes and what he will do if we do not. Over a dozen verses proclaim the blessings and over 50 verses describe what will happen if we refuse.

Let's cut to the chase. War, fear of our enemies, loss of standing among our allies and a lot of additional calamities are promised to any nation that forgets God. Are we the exception to God's rules? This is blatant naiveté.

It is a perfect picture of America today.

The formula revealed in this simple, yet, profound declaration is what we are missing.

The language of political correctness has assigned moral issues of the day to the realm of hot button topics, religious issues and ethics issues. After reading all of Deuteronomy 28 it becomes clear that we have it backwards.

When the moral issues are ignored and put on the back burner - that is exactly what causes the other issues, such as confusion, war, encroaching enemies and economic failure to ensue.

We will not run our enemies off - because the enemy is us.

Oddly, the stupid people Donald Trump so often refers to is us - we are opposing ourselves by stylizing, permitting and even making lawful the worst behaviors mankind has ever dreamed up.

​   It must be noted that Trump's answer to our moral decline by judicial fiat is the wimpy - "It's the law of the land."

Until I pass from this world my message will be the same - the motive in proclaiming this message is singular and it also will not change, to wit:

"And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth." (2Tim 2: 24-25)

Here is what we must know to stop opposing ourselves - no nation that thinks same sex marriage is perfectly OK - or has been legitimately greenlighted by some legal ruling is going to recover anything that can remotely be called - greatness!

Scripturally speaking - you can take this to the bank.

​ Michael Bresciani is the publisher of American

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