Sunday, October 18th, 2015  |  7:22 AM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Public Shame Everywhere

Written By: Dan Stanley  |  Posted: Friday, August 28th, 2015

               The title to this was not any attempt to be sensational.  Rather, it is to wake us up to how truly shameful we are in what we read, hear and watch in our society today. My father was embarrassed if you used the word pregnant.  Being with child (a euphemism) was the proper way to discuss a woman who had a child in her womb. You might smile at that, but as they say, we have come a long way baby (no pun). Yes, we have, but not for the good.

Now it is common news to read about everything from sex with robots to the latest homosexual or transgender person's escapades.  The Enquirers at the beginning of grocery check outs have lost their power due to the wholesale dissemination of impure and shameful material at every turn of the average American's life. 

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