Sunday, October 18th, 2015  |  12:53 PM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Has Anyone Heard of "Moral Psychology?"

Written By: Bill Finnigan  |  Posted: Friday, August 28th, 2015

            An article recently appeared in our local Tribune announcing a $155,747 grant given for the creation of an institute on "Moral Psychology and Education." The proposed four-week institute geared for college teachers will be co-managed by Deborah Mower, professor of philosophy and religious studies at Youngstown State University. The attempt to link "moral" and "psychology" together caught my attention; this combination is most unusual, but not insignificant. Let me explain.

   To the average reader, the word Psychology is familiar, seeing that it's one of the top college majors in America. As one who has taught the subject, I've observed that its pursuit has been often triggered by the student's desire to find his own identity; along with the attempt to tackle life's mental and emotional challenges.

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