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Ways to Help Small Businesses Get Started

Written By: Dan Stanley  |  Posted: Friday, August 28th, 2015

            We hear a lot about small businesses being good for us and our communities.  That is true, to say the least.  In fact, if it were a contest between small businesses and large businesses, small businesses far outweigh large businesses over all as being an advantage to everyone.  The purpose, though, of this article, is not to show why this is true. In the past, we have written some articles on the advantages small businesses have for all of us over the large, corporate businesses of the day.  How, though, can small businesses in our city, or any city or town, be helped to start up?   And if they are already established businesses, how can they be helped to grow and succeed? 

   First, realize that the best help a small business can have from us is for our local officials to realize they are not a help.  The idea of making small loans available through government grants or supposedly producing better living standards by demanding minimum wages is simply a not true. For example, minimum wages has been proven to be a hindrance, not a help, to people in general. It forces equality in pay at the expense of freedom as well as reciprocation for ability.  It also limits the business owner from being able to pay people what they are really worth.  Face the facts. Some people are worth ten dollars an hour and others five an hour, or even less.  Who should determine this? The business owner, and him alone.  Local officials and authorities can help by supporting businesses who decide to not pay minimum wages, but to pay people according to their ability as well as what works best for that business.  Any suggestion by local authorities that they cannot support a business who does not pay minimum wage is not true.  It would only be because they will not if they don't.  The best thing that could happen in our cities is if today all those in authority realized that they are a hindrance to small, family businesses, and that they need to immediately rescind any ordinances and laws that monitor small businesses in our city and towns.
   Second, by removing the licensing that is demanded by local city and county powers that be. To demand a family has to get a license to establish a business is to control that family. It is to regulate that family as they attempt to make a living.  You must understand this.  It comes down to control.  The issue of safety and protecting our communities is an unsound reply by those in authority.  It is to posture themselves as the fathers of the city.  Maybe the phrase "city fathers" came from this attitude.  Neither families nor communities need the protection of those in power regarding businesses. Any problems that arise from abuse of one's property are non-issues.  The only issue is if a property owner harms another person's property. Harming another person's property is very subjective, and the courts can settle disputes when necessary.  No, the courts would not have a log jam if we did that.  The opposite is true. Right now they are backed up because we allow those in authority to get involved in our businesses and lives in ways that are unconstitutional and far beyond their purview.  Their job is to catch the crooks and punish them, period.  Instead they make rules and regulations which keep the court very, very busy.
   Third, by families attempting as a family to make their own living. Far too dependent are we as a nation and people on someone else making us a living.  This is egregiously seen with our uncomely welfare system.  But even among the working people there is this prevailing thinking that they must go get a job working for someone else.  Some even go as far as thinking someone owes them a job, or they ought to be given a job.  This is not true, and it is bad thinking. Rather, each man must realize that we are responsible for ourselves.  Few ways demonstrates this more than an individual making his or her own living. Let even some of you reading consider this.  Of course, there are many pointers that are needed if you are going to do this. Most small businesses fail, and there are reasons for this.  But most do not need to fail.  The best advice is to involve someone with you who has succeeded themselves in establishing a small business.  This is beyond wise and often will make the difference between succeeding or failing.
   The three things noted (and there are many more) are an attempt to help small businesses get going or to succeed.  The emphasis on what will help the most is to remove local government from our endeavors to make a living.  God Almighty made man to make a living. We are to work six days the Bible says.  Help in doing this in our day is in so many ways found in liberating people to make their own living.  If you want to start a business, and need help, have someone you know who is successful in doing that show you how.  Listen and do what they say. The result will often be success. And if you are in a position of power in your city, start lessening any regulation the city or county has imposed on the everyday Joe who wants to make his own living. Praise such people for doing this. Count the number of regulations, and then begin to remove them one by one.  The results will be revealing, and people who want to make their own living will love you for it.

   Dan Stanley is an owner and contributing editor of The US Journal.  Email: .


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