Saturday, February 21st, 2015  |  2:48 PM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Are the Police for Protection?

Posted: Friday, January 30th, 2015

                It seems safe to say that police are not meant for that purpose, at least ideally.  Granted, we all believe that is their purpose, but this is a fundamental flaw in our thinking.  The natural and God-given purpose of police (or sheriffs, judges, and courts), is to execute wrath on evil doers. That means they catch the crooks, whether it is a broken contract, a robbery, a rape, or a murder; then they judge the issue fairly and punish them according to the law. This is the purpose of the police and the sheriff, and the judge and prosecutors. It is also the purpose of the executive branch of any city or state or nation.

   One might argue the need for a national defense, and that can be discussed. (It is our observation that how we go about it is not the best way and is way beyond what the true purpose of the state is.)  But locally, who can argue this way? The best defense for the average man or woman is self-defense. However an individual wants to handle this, so be it, but self-defense is the best.  The idea of thinking that the police department is meant for our defense so we will call them is dangerous beyond degree.  True, we are a people not raised to defend ourselves, but a people who are raised to defend themselves are much safer defending themselves than depending on a local police and sheriff's departments. All the statistics will show this to be true. All the smoke about someone having a gun being dangerous is only true if that person is not raised to defend themselves.  And even that person is better off giving it a try, especially if the intruder is already in their home.

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