Saturday, September 26th, 2015  |  3:06 AM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Why Are Eau Claire County Roads So Bad?

Written By: Jerry Hanson  |  Posted: Friday, August 28th, 2015

            On August 7th, WQOW reported that Eau Claire County Highway Committee Chair, Ray Henning said, "Our roads are the second worst of all the counties in the state." The WQOW report went on to say that in July, the Highway Committee had passed a resolution asking the state for more money, to which the state responded with $3 million more, and the federal government added another $2 million.

   That additional funding will help, but Mr. Henning's comments imply that it will not be enough. He and his committee imply that they wanted the state to raise the gas tax and the motor vehicle registration fees. Are higher gas taxes and registration fees our reward for conserving energy? Why must the taxpayers always pay for the blunders of their elite collectivist minded officials?

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