Sunday, April 17th, 2016  |  12:42 AM

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Posted: Saturday, February 27th, 2016

Mass. City Requires "Essay" to Get Gun Permit

Fox News reported that the City Council of Lowell, a city of 110,000 that lies 35 miles north of Boston, is requiring all applicants for unrestricted handgun licenses to state in writing why they should receive a license and receive $1,100 in training. Attorney David Jensen claims that Lowell has a history of refusing to issue licenses to qualified applicants, and this new rule reflects that history. "Our initial response to that would be that the Second Amendment secures the right to keep and bear arms. You really shouldn't be required to write an essay explaining why you would like to exercise this fundamental right," said Jenson. Randy Breton, a local firearms-safety instructor, believes the new law is purposely trying to make gun licenses cost prohibitive and difficult to obtain.

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