Friday, May 20th, 2016  |  2:14 PM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

I Feel for the Black Person

Posted: Friday, April 3rd, 2015

            This might sound strange, but with all the attention for decades upon the needs of the black community, I would feel embarrassed to some degree if I were black. Turn the tables around, and how would you feel if the same type of attention was put on you if you were white or yellow or brown? Think about how you would feel if your race were portrayed as victims and oppressed (all races have been at times, and in some ways all are oppressed today) and mistreated, needing special provisions and opportunities. Would you like it?

   The answer to this question is, by the way, fundamental to your whole thinking about the proper response to the evil that all people experience in a fallen world. You can either take a victim mentality and get all you can out of it, or you can take the position and thinking that no one owes you a living, that you need to get busy and make your own way through this world. For sure, you ought to not allow discrimination or poverty or racism get in your way.

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