Saturday, February 21st, 2015  |  2:49 PM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Will America Ever Come Back?

Written By: Bill Finnigan  |  Posted: Friday, January 30th, 2015

           To witness firsthand the decline of our beloved America over the past 50 years has been heart-rending. Never a perfect nation, for sure, but certainly the greatest experiment of human ingenuity and political freedom ever conceived in the Western world. The Founding Fathers, again mortal men, were wise enough to base our civilization on Biblical principles. Law and order, representative government, religious liberty, personal integrity, and moral discipline were basic tenets.

   Despite a history of struggle and warfare, an honorable nation emerged, readily sharing its wealth and good will with others in need. Although a semblance of that quality still exists, we face a horrendous and unprecedented crisis of anti-American terrorism. Since the "9/11" attack in New York, the tension and threats have multiplied; there's a fear and hopelessness setting in among our populace, a "heart-failure" that has no obvious remedy despite all the political clap-trap, and advances in medicine and technology. Even the religious community has failed to quell the coming "storm." 

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