Sunday, May 3rd, 2015  |  12:48 AM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
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National Headlines

Posted: Friday, April 24th, 2015

SC Police Shooting and Delinquent Child Support Laws

  The media is playing up the shooting of Walter Scott in South Carolina as another act of police racism, but, according to conservative political analyst Phyllis Schlafly, the shooting was a result of obnoxious anti-father rulings of the family courts and Scott's fear of returning to debtor's prison. Scott had been arrested and imprisoned three times for not paying child support, and there was a warrant for his arrest when the police officer pulled him over. Schlafly pointed out that, unlike corporations, which can file bankruptcy when they cannot pay their bills, a person who is unable to pay child support can never be forgiven their debt, according to federal law. "But a man can never get an alleged 'child support' debt forgiven or reduced out of a job, penniless, homeless, medically incapacitated, incarcerated (justly or unjustly), can't afford a lawyer, serving in our Armed Forces overseas, isn't the father, or never owed the money in the first place," Schlafly laments.  A survey of county jails in South Carolina shows that 1 out of 8 incarcerated people is there for not paying child support. "We hope Walter Scott's death may help some dads in the future who are unfairly treated by the family courts, not given a lawyer, denied due process and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty," Schlafly concludes.

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