Saturday, January 3rd, 2015  |  7:54 PM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Joy in the Midst of Suffering

Written By: Naomi Stanley  |  Posted: Tuesday, October 21st, 2014

How a husband and wife found God to be faithful in the midst of traged

            This life here on earth is a difficult journey for all of us, and we, as intricate humans with deep souls, cope with our pain and troubles in various ways. Some of us drink alcohol to numb the pain, some of us clutter our lives with work and non-stop activity so we don't have time to think about our lives and troubles, some of us find other ways to deal with life's pain and frustration, yet, no matter what we do to numb the pain or to find happiness, we can create only temporary happiness and relief. Our hearts and souls crave to understand the meaning of life, to find lasting peace, and to find a reason for living in this troubled world.

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