Saturday, April 16th, 2016  |  10:00 PM

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Christians Are Finally Coming out of the Closet

Written By: Dan Stanley  |  Posted: Saturday, February 27th, 2016

The conclusion of a Supreme Court case ended in victory for a group of cheerleaders in Texas who were displaying Bible verses on banners during their games.  We are seeing a rise in these type of court cases addressing the attempts by Christians to publicly display their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Not only court cases but people in general are being noted for this.  One striking illustration is the vocabulary of the candidates running for office at present.  In all the years I have listened to debates during primaries, I have never heard such explicit terminology about the Lord Jesus Christ, our Creator, the blood of Jesus Christ (a term Governor Walker used), being saved by the grace of God, and many other words like this that are being used publicly with the applause of audiences being heard without reserve.

There is no doubt this is a response to and reaction to the anti-Christian sentiment by the media as well as the court system, along with the attacks and opposition by many promoting separation of church and state. Included in this is also the immoral element of many people in America who do not like the public exposure of everything from adultery to homosexuality being challenged, pointed out, nor restricted.
While, then, I myself am pleased and thrilled at times to hear and see this going on in America, it also is a reminder of what has been missing.  In many ways the public display of identification with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Bible, and what is moral and right the sight of God is a catch up time.  The truth is Christians have been ashamed of the Lord and given Him very little glory for so long, that anti-Christian words and activity has taken over the leading institutions of America.  Our educational system, our political system, our businesses, and even our daily neighborhood settings had become off limits to God-talk or action. This should never have been the case in our homes, neighborhoods, schools, work places, or city halls.  With seventy-five percent of America identifying as Christians, talk and actions that are Christians ought to have dominated. 
The truth is American Christians have been ashamed of God in general and finally are beginning to confess Him publicly.  Where it will end we know not, but true Christians rejoice in this as much, yea, more, than a parent rejoices in the grown child now remembering and rendering the honor due them by their children. Too often it is overdue, but when it comes, they rejoice and are made very glad.  How much more the God of heaven must at least smile and look down on these recent public words and actions that are being done in His name and, we trust, for His glory. 

Dan Stanley has pastored in Western Wisconsin for over thirty years and is an owner and contributing editor of The US Journal. Email: .


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