Sunday, October 18th, 2015  |  6:57 AM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

4 Reasons to Get Married Fast

Written By: Mary Ellen Row  |  Posted: Friday, August 28th, 2015

            This is not a suggestion to run out and marry the first person you come across, but, if you've met that special person whom you plan to spend the rest of your life with in marital bliss, this is the case for a short engagement. According to the Huffington Post, 40% of couples are engaged for 13-18 months before marriage, 27% for 7-12 months, 23% for 19-24 months and 6% for 24+ months. Only 4% are engaged for 0-6 months before saying, "I do."  Engagement is like making payments on a house that you can't live in. It's an inconvenient state of limbo, it's frustrating, and it drains your resources. You've in essence settled for a monogamous relationship, so why the big delay?


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