Sunday, April 17th, 2016  |  9:51 AM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
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Do You Enjoy the Bible?

Written By: Dan Stanley  |  Posted: Saturday, February 27th, 2016

That may seem like a strange question to some, but it is an important one.  There is no doubt that many of you reading revere the Bible.  You own one, maybe several, read it now and then, and even believe what is has to say.  This would be your testimony.  True, you might equivocate on certain portions that seem to hard to understand or to believe. The roles of men and women, hell, unmarried sexual activity, election, and a host of other teachings might give you reason for reserve or vacillation, but you believe it and are for it. 

The question, though, is: do you enjoy or delight or find pleasure in the Bible when it is applied to your life?  Jeremiah writes about a large body of religious people concerning this. He writes "[T]hey cannot hear… [B]ehold the Word of the Lord (the Bible) is unto them a reproach: they have no delight in it."  They did not enjoy it, especially when it concerned themselves.

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