Sunday, May 3rd, 2015  |  7:25 AM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Preventative Laws Are Simply Bad Laws

Posted: Thursday, February 26th, 2015

               A New York legislator is attempting to pass legislation in her district that prohibits a child younger than twelve from attending guns shows. She gives her reasons. The problem, or shall I say the evil, with those thinking this way is that it presumes the authority, the right, and the responsibility of the state to keep children safe. That is not the state's purpose or job. The parent is sufficient and created by God Himself to do just this. 

I am not sure, but I must ask you. Do you understand this? Do you realize that the parent is the one who is responsible and capable of keeping their children safe? Do you believe this? Do you think you personally are able to keep your children safe? Yes or no? This is fundamental and important beyond description. I will go as far to say that if you do not think you are personally responsible to keep your children safe, you ought to give your children to someone who does believe this and will take on the responsibility to keep your children safe.

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