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Police Shut Down Kids' Lemonade Stand

Written By: Jack Kenny  |  Posted: Friday, July 22nd, 2011

   Police in Midway, Georgia shut down a lemonade stand run by three girls trying to make money for a trip to a water park in Savannah because the youngsters didn't have the license and permits required for their fledgling enterprise. City ordinances require a business license, a peddler's permit, and a food permit for the vending of food or beverages, even on residential property in the small city (pop. approximately 1,100) just south of Savannah. The license and permits cost $50 a day or $180 a year, according to Coastal Source, a website of Savannah TV stations WJCL and WTGS.

   So the girls shut down their stand and are doing yard work and other chores to make money. 

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