Saturday, September 26th, 2015  |  3:07 AM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Increased Immigrants in Communities Is Tricky

Posted: Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

            By immigrants, I am referring to those who have moved into the historically white communities in America as well as large cities all about us, regardless of which state or color. This is happening all over America at a rapid pace, has become an issue, and is in need of some type of resolution.
   What is the resolution to this? Should those who are illegal immigrants be granted amnesty?  Should they all be sent back home? Should the wall be higher? Should the border be open, closed, or part way open?
   Whatever your belief or persuasion is in this matter, there is a fundamental problem beneath it all that needs to be seen and addressed. This root problem is larger than your position on all of this, no matter what it is. It is the issue of the nature of America and how it was set up initially as a constitutional republic with a representative government that has its elected officials swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. This is what is at play. If the infiltration of immigrants into America (along with those who are citizens already) were all held to a Constitutional standard, we would be fine. That means, though, that we go back to each person paying their own way. No more welfare as we know it nor public education as we know it. Medical expenses are personally paid for by those who use them.  Add to this list property ownership that is no longer burdened by rules and regulations.  In other words, if freedom or liberty as envisioned by our founders was reinstated, immigration would not a problem.
  If, on the other hand, immigration is a means to add to the already confused and increasingly unconstitutional thinking we have in America, it is bad.  It is the hastening of the end of America as we have known it.  Liberty and freedom will be gone.  Pursuing happiness, life, and liberty, as well property, will cease to exist.  It has already taken a large hit.  Survey after survey has proven that America, in many ways, is less free than many other countries.
   This, then, is the issue relative to immigration.  And at present, due to how we think as a country, immigration is a bad thing.  We are letting the "little foxes spoil the vines..." as the Bible states.  We are tricking ourselves, or being tricked, if we think it is helping the America we once knew. We are destroying what is left of our country's foundational thinking.  Some people may be glad for that (Democrats and Republicans).  If so, they will be for immigration as we know it.  But those who think America's framework of how a country is to be best structured is as a constitutional republic with the Constitution we have, those people will be against immigration as we know it.  In fact, they will be against the general attitudes and actions of both major political parties as we know them.  To them, immigration is merely a means of hastening the end of America as we know it.

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