Monday, July 4th, 2016  |  8:33 PM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

It's Not Just about Toys and Antiques

Written By: Dori Pulse  |  Posted: Friday, April 24th, 2015

            I fully intended to arrive at the Toy & Antique Museum near Chippewa Falls to do a story on a 25+ year treasured combination of amazing toys and artifacts. Because of health issues and "it's just time" as Al and Irene Przybylski put it, they are selling their collectible toys and antique artifacts. I thought a museum article would help them advertise that they were downsizing and selling out, but we enjoyed a completely different interview.

   I walked into the shop with Al and took a good, long sniff. "I love musty smells," I said. "Ha, you are just like my wife; she loves the smell of things too." Irene soon joined us. As we settled into our chat, the marital banter between Al and his wife Irene became engaging, and I began to realize this couple had worked very hard at everything they did together. We were on our way to reminiscing about their kaleidoscope life and marriage of fifty-nine years which they will celebrate July 25th.

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