Saturday, February 21st, 2015  |  7:26 PM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
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Is Eau Claire Immune from Homosexual Persecution?

Written By: Dan Stanley  |  Posted: Friday, January 30th, 2015

            All over America we are reading of true reports about businesses having to go to court due to their religious beliefs, in particular Christians.  Often, the circumstances have to do with a business refusing to prepare meals or take photos of homosexuals in a way that directly supports their lifestyle. Some are winning and some are losing.  The verdict in general is not in yet. 

   What is important and pressing, for those who live in the Eau Claire area, is the following:   Would a business in Eau Claire be fined and closed if they refused to service homosexuals due to a conscience problem?  Would they?  This is extremely important to answer.
   What would be expedient now, before anything like this should come up, is to determine the following two things:
   First, are you clear in your understanding in this regard?  Do you realize that if a business does not want to offer services to someone due to a conscience problem, then they ought to be left alone?  Are you hesitant to say yes?  If you are, you are a product of bad thinking.   Letting a business rise or fall on its service and products or lack thereof has been historically the norm in our country and city.  Today, this is not true.  But it is not true due to bad thinking and bad ordinances and bad states laws.  "Woe to them that decree unrighteous decrees," the Bible says. Some are more than bad.  They are plainly evil.  To fine and cause a local business to shut down because they refuse servicing someone(s) due to a conscience problem is to trespass into the livelihood of that family.  This is an evil under the sun.
   Second, would our local powers that be (judges, sheriff, police officers, prosecutors, and city leaders) support fining a business into submission over such similar cases? This is the question. Would they? The bigger issue is not whether the law says so or not, but is it right or wrong in the sight of God to do so? This is especially true for a Christian.  And most of our civil leaders identify with Christianity. And clearly it is right to support a business that, due to conscience problems, will not identify with any form of wrong or evil or sin.
   It would seem wise for someone to personally address those who would be involved in such a circumstance and find out how they would respond. If any of our readers would do this, we would be glad to print their findings.  We would hope the local sheriff, police department, judges, and city leaders would never fine or criminalize a business for refusing a homosexual's requests for that business' participation in or endorsement of their sinful practices. Rather, the Bible teaches that our local civil authorities would need to praise that business owner(s) for doing what is right in following his God, conscience, and the Bible. And they ought to especially praise such people for not aligning themselves with what the Bible clearly teaches is wrong.

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