Saturday, February 21st, 2015  |  7:27 PM

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Green Tree Inn - Another Eau Claire and State Taxpayer Burden?

Posted: Friday, January 30th, 2015

Voters With Facts

                 With neither a public hearing nor advance publicity, the City Council will be deciding during Tuesday's (January, 27, 2015) City Council Meeting whether to support the Green Tree Inn's request to the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation for a taxpayer-funded grant of $500,000. To support the grant, the City is proposing to enter into a development agreement with the owners of the Green Tree and provide a $250,000 interest free loan. The loan may be interest free to the Green Tree owners, but it won't be to the City, which will borrow the funds and pay interest on them. The cost to service such a loan can be and no doubt will be used as the basis to further increase City taxes.

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