Monday, July 4th, 2016  |  6:03 PM

A Conservative Newspaper Promoting,
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

"The Greater Good"

Written By: Dan Stanley  |  Posted: Friday, April 24th, 2015

            On April 15th, "Tax Day," a large group of people stood along Madison Street holding up signs, not to protest taxes, but rather to celebrate the goodness of taxes.  One sign holder noted "the greater good" as the reason why taxes and government spending are good. She was glad for the government programs.  She was against lowering property taxes at the expense of these programs.

   What about those who pay double to educate their children outside of the public schools?  They pay for other people's children plus extra for their own. "Is this fair?" I asked her. Her answer was political, but at one point she gave away her true ideology.  She said that some things like this are alright due to the greater good. If all else fails talk in general terms about bigger things.  This way you can define it the way you want. This would be like someone defending open carry practices with guns by saying it was for the greater good. What would be the liberal's response to such a statement?  It would be interesting. 

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